SABA High School Fall Wood Bat League 2016
League will have 1 conference: Howard Bell (Varsity). There will also be a showcase team; SABA Elite, comprised of college level Seniors. They will be listed in the Steve Brewer Conference. Paul Dudley will coach the Elite. Hats and Jerseys provided for players. Players provide their own pair of gray pants. Turf shoes, molded cleats or sneakers required for league. No metal spikes.
Website provided to include schedules, statistics, and league information. Site is
Volunteers will run the scoreboard, handle field maintenance, launder jerseys, keep official score and enter all information on
Tournament champions receive t-shirts with the league logo on the back.
The league is a wood bat league with baseballs provided. Players are to chase the foul balls.
Bell league games (Varsity) will be played on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday at U.S. Baseball Park.
Games have 1 umpire behind the plate and each coach umpiring on the bases, when their team is on the field.
League to begin the weekend of August 29-30. Minimum of 6 games, including a seeded tournament. Total of 6 weeks, weather permitting.
Coaches provided for teams. High School Coaches can recommend their own.
League fee is $100 per player. SABA Elite fee is $125 per player. If they also play on their varsity team, it is an additional $75, or a total of $200. Please have players bring a signed waiver and fee to 1st weekend.
Sign up deadline is 8/22/16. Additional form and waiver coming. Players must sign up through their high school coach.